The Pains of Being Pure at Heart,被放逐的青春記認

每個人心裡都有一張代表著年少歲月的專輯,我的是 2014 年的《Days of Abandon》。放逐之日,那些裝滿躁動與失落,大喜與大悲的青春記認,都被一一寫進歌裡。因為《Art Smock》而認識到 The Pains of Being Pure at Heart(2007-2019)這隊成員一直替換頻繁的獨立樂隊,即便他們轉眼經已解散兩年(兩年前看到樂隊解散的消息確是莫名有種青春已逝的感覺),樂隊靈魂人物 Kip Berman 亦早已成為人父並開展了另一段音樂歷程 THE NATVRAL,然而那首只有兩分多鐘的《Art Smock》,至今仍舊是我無可取代的最愛。


Kip Berman

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart 作為當年 Clockenflap 的常客(大概誰也沒想過來到 2021,就連舉辦 Clockenflap 本身也變成一件難事),在獨立音樂圈裡一直頗具名氣,早年 Pains 的作品都帶著濃厚 90 年代初的英倫風格,並有著純淨而溫暖的基調,屈指一算,他們的首張同名 EP《The Pains of Being Pure at Heart》,原來已是 14 年前的事。

而我最愛的第三張專輯《Days of Abandon》,是一張關於失去與缺席的作品,講述了 Kip Berman 在經歷原始成員一一離去後的悵然若失。看著那些曾經最為親近的人們在人生的分叉路口和自己各走各路,他其實也明白,音樂和樂隊並不是每個人生命的全部(儘管對他來說是),人大了,總有更多的責任需要背負,更多比起快樂地玩樂隊來得重要的「該做的事」。有時候難的既不是緊握不放也不是放手這個動作本身,而是不管你放或不放,你都皆注定失去,剩下的就只是體面與否的問題而已。走在一個人的孤獨旅程上,Kip Berman也感受與咀嚼著那些自由與恐懼。不過,在我聽來,這張專輯與其說是帶著心痛的訣別,感覺更像是寫給往日的一封情信,是時候向年少輕狂的日子說再見,但他會永遠想念,所以沒關係。

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart 靈魂人物 Kip Berman

Kip Berman

IMMusic:The Pains of Being Pure at Heart,被放逐的青春記認

Art Smock 

You learned to mingle with a well-bred crowd
Straightened your hair and forgot all about
Torn jeans and sweaters from the lost and found
Dropped some pounds and the people that you used to hang around


Passed out on the train again
Woke up at the end of the world
So you're a lush with a healthy mistrust
Of any man who says you must

Simple and Sure

I know we live in complicated times
And it's so difficult to decide
Who should be our king
And how low we should bow
To lick the boots of a sacred cow

Say No To Love

Now you're looking away
Could you plan an escape
From the places you've known,
Where they know your mistakes?

Higher Than The Stars

Shitfaced, fumbling in a dark place, drinking in the last days
This street looks just like the next street, bumblefuck on repeat
This time you should have stopped but where’s the fun?

Jay Chow

I’ve never seen a perfect life.




夜幕低垂後,墜入 YOASOBI 構築的魔幻世界